Jimmy Eat World are back with a new song: “Get Right”. Hear the song below, and download it for free via Jimmy Eat World’s website.… MORE
Jimmy Eat World are back with a new song: “Get Right”. Hear the song below, and download it for free via Jimmy Eat World’s website.… MORE
Via People, Flea posted numerous pictures of his interaction with, Koko, the famous sign-language-speaking gorilla over the weekend on Instagram. Also check the video below to see Koko jam-out.… MORE
Frances Bean Cobain posted her “musical debut” on Instagran covering Jimmy Eat World…see it HERE… MORE
Watch Jack White’s Third Man Records get a record played in space.… MORE
This week on Jeopardy, contestants learned that they could not navigate the Sonic Highways.… MORE
Madison, WI scores pretty high on a list for the Best Cities for Music Fans. Appleton is in the top 50 and Green Bay just outside the top 100. According to Personal Finance website Valuepenguin ( conducts in-depth research & analysis on a variety of topics) Full list HERE… MORE